How to make money by Google AdSense through blogging?
Google AdSense is considered to be an important source of income from Blogs. Many people are there who are full-time bloggers and Google AdSense in one of the major sources of revenue from their blogs. This article contains a list of such bloggers who have made a fortune by earning from Google AdSense. This article covers a detailed discussion on how much revenue can expect from AdSense, how can you estimate your earning from AdSense and how can you earn from Google Adsense. But first of all…
What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense if the most popular, free and very simple way to earn money by showing advertisements on your website. There are millions of advertisers who bid for their ads and ad spaces on your websites. The more people visit your website and view those ads, you earn a fair share of the total money paid by the advertisers. According to Google, in 2015 itself Google has paid $9,860,908,459 to its publishers !!!

The earnings per click from Google AdSense vary depending on the niche of your blog and the countries your majority of the audience belongs to.
For example, if you are targeting mainly the Indian audience, then earning from Google AdSense is very meager. You will earn just between $0.5 to 2.0 USD depending on your niche for 1000 page views in India.
It is quite less earning compare to that one can earn from selling a personal product or from affiliate marketing. Besides getting approval from Google AdSense is not easy and also there is always a threat to get banned by Google AdSense for violating any of their guidelines.
But why still Google AdSense is popular in India?
Because of all the above reasons most of the pro-bloggers do not use AdSense any more or at least AdSense is not any more their major source of income. But still many bloggers especially newbies in blogging dream about earning from AdSense.
If you implement your blog properly and include high-quality content then in very less time you will start to earn from AdSense. And Google never fails to pay his publishers. These two are the major reasons behind the popularity of Google AdSense.
Another big plus side of Google AdSense is its simplicity. As a blog owner, you just have to create a Google AdSense account, create your add and put the source code in your site that’s all. Inserting source code is a little bit tricky issue especially if you are a completely nontechnical guy, but still a lot easier than other ad networks.
How much Google AdSense pays for a blog?
Before we start discussing this possibility, a few terms we need to be clear first. Because these terms are going to be used here frequently. So here are some of them you need to know to estimate your earnings from Google AdSense. I have summarised them here from Thomas Maiers’ article and Kriteshrules’ article on Google AdSense earning facts.
It is just the count of any advertisement viewed by any reader. It has nothing to do whether the advertisement gets clicked or not.
For example, if any of your blogs has two ads, one at the beginning of the post and another one at the end of the post. Then if any reader visits the blog and reads the complete post then the count of impression will be 2.
Cost Per Click (CPC):
This is a variable that carries the amount of money (as decided by the advertiser) you earn whenever any visitor clicks on any link. Different niches have different CPC values. Niches like health, finance, technology generally have high CPC compare to other niches.
Click-Through Rate (CTR):
It is also a key term to calculate revenue from AdSense. CTR is calculated using below formula
CTR=(Total number of clicls/Total ad impressions) ✕ 100
Cost Per 1000 Impressions (CPM):
In this case, advertisers will pay you for each 1000 view for their ads, it does not matter if ads get clicked or not.
Another important key term in Google AdSense revenue calculation is
Revenue per thousand impressions (RPM):
RPM is calculated as:
RPM=(Estimated earnings/Number of page views) ✕ 1000
For example, if you earn $2.00 for 1000 page views then your RPM will be RPM=(2/100) ✕ 1000=20
Cost Per Engagement (CPE )
This is the most recent bidding term in the Google AdSense network. In the case of CPE the advertisers impose a condition on viewers’ activity with the ads placed by them, i.e. if the viewer has clicked it, expanded it or watched any video, etc. The payment made by Google also depends on it.
Now the CPC is calculated through an auction. Each and every add which is potentially displayed in your blog take part in this auction. The winner is decided based on the highest bidder and also it’s quality.
For this Google runs some of its smart algorithms to calculate the maximum income from every thousand impressions or in short RPM (Revenue per Thousand Impressions)
The selection of the best bid type is not in your hand. Google itself calculates which may be the best way to achieve the highest income with respect to your blog niche and content. Advertisers may place CPM ads on your website if they found that your blog is reputed and attracting a lot more traffic. In this case, your earnings with CPM can be much more than that with CPC.
If you have these all metrics of Google AdSense you can calculate your revenue from AdSense.
Now we can enter into our main topic that is “how much Google AdSense pay for a blog”
As I have mentioned before, in India Google AdSense will pay you approximately 0.5 to 3 US dollars depending on the niche. Keeping this figure in mind you can chalk out earning potential of your blog.
Suppose you have written 60 to 70 articles in your blog and each of these articles has approximately 1000 page views per month. So, your blog will earn close to $100 a month. To increase this income, you have to increase the number of articles in your blog, as simple as that.
How much you can earn from your website is largely determined by its content. There are also a lot of other variables and the exact earning from Google AdSense is not easy to know. As, neither Google nor ant website owner discloses their real earning using Google AdSense.
Still, I have gathered some earning reports of a few famous bloggers both from India and outside India reviewing mainly from Thomas Maier’s article on AdSense, Anil Agarwal’s top 7 bloggers list and Harsh Agarwal’s own report on his AdSense income.
Top earners from Google AdSense by blogging
Outside India:
- Wikihow is such a site that comes to rescue us in every crisis in our life, so there is nothing surprising that it gets around 15 million visitors everyday !!!!.

Jack Herrick earns approximately $330,000 per month. The site registered back in 2004 and as of today, it has 40 million daily page views, 3.3 million backlinks.
- Peter Cashmore, the CEO, and founder of famous blog Mashable is another example of making a fortune from Google AdSense.

Mashable is a technology blog started by him way back in 2005 when he was only 17 years old. Today it earns $10,00,000 per month and has daily page views around 37,320,000
- If you are blogging for passive income then you must have come across the website named “Smart Passive Income” of Pat Flynn.

He is earning an impressive income from Google AdSense. According to his own report in 2013, the earning from his niche site SecurityGuardTrainingHQ.com generated an income of $1,466.33 from 800-1000 visits per day. You can find here the earning is lesser compared to others, this because his main earning source is not from Google AdSense. Still, I have mentioned here mainly because of his popularity. He is almost a house hold name today mainly because of his website Smart Passive Income.
- Like WikiHow, another popular website with all how to question-answer is ehow . The website was started way back in 1999 by Courtney Rosen.

This website is so popular that it gets an approximately daily page view of 31,400,000 and earns a stupendous $650,000 per month.
Indian bloggers with huge revenue from AdSense
- Here the first position will be occupied by Amit Agarwal of Labnol.org without fail. He is like a living legend of the Indian blogging industry. He was most probably the first Indian who pioneered blogging can be chosen as a career. An alumnus of IIT Roorkee turned professional blogger in India.

His blog is mainly on technology, you can find every updates and innovation in technology there with insightful content. He is consistently updating his site and providing every detail for the whole last decade. So, no surprise that his site attracts almost 3,00,000 daily visitors from which he almost earns $25,000 as revenue from AdSense.
- Harsh Agarwal of ShoutMeLoud.com is considered as one of the topmost bloggers in India. Although his main revenue source is not AdSense, still he earns around $1000 with estimated traffic of 80,000 every month from various blogs he owns.

He mainly covers different topics to help bloggers to solve their problems related to WordPress, SEO, Internet marketing, etc. His blogs are really very helpful. New bloggers can always visit his site and can get answers for almost every query he has during their initial stage.
Here I would like to mention another blogger from India who can also be considered as a pioneer in the Indian blogging era. Arun Prabhudesai of Trak.in is one of the names which can not be skipped when we are discussing Indian bloggers.
His blog is really very popular and he earns almost $5000 per month with 100,000 traffic every day to his site. He is also being an IT guy covers different technology news and updates in his site, mobile technology, startup news. He is one of the highest earners with Google AdSense in India.
Here is what Harsh Agarwal from shoutmeloud.com revealed about his Google AdSense income
As you can see from the above list that Harsh Agarwal is one of the top earner bloggers from India using Google AdSense. He has earned a total of $50,581 in the last 10 years from all his blogs (Source: https://www.shoutmeloud.com/adsense-earning-reports.html).
He started blogging in 2008 and opened his Google AdSense account in the next year i.e. in 2009. He is quite frank with his blog earning and shares with his readers. His blogs are really helpful for beginners as well as established bloggers.
You can also go through his one blog on Google AdSense, which is quite helpful informative.
He is of the opinion that although Google AdSense is quite tempting for a new blogger and they 100% depend on its earning, if you want to choose blogging as your career then being solely dependent on Google AdSense can be a bit risky.
Google AdSense account can get banned any time for any sort of violation of its guidelines which you are not aware of. In that case, you may feel your world gets shattered and devastated.
So, he advised, “not to put all your eggs in a single basket”. That to say, don’t rely on only Google AdSense for your earning, diversify it and use multiple channels of earning like affiliate marketing, CPM ads, sponsored ads, selling your own product, etc.
How and when does Google AdSense pay?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions which bother any new blogger. So, I have tried to clear the payment method of Google AdSense.
Generally, the total clicks and revenue generated according to Cost Per Click (CPC) with respect to page views for your website for a particular month are calculated by Google in the following month.
Google usually finalizes the valid clicks and reduces revenue estimated for false clicks within the first week of the following month. Thereafter can take another two weeks i.e. approximately 20th of the month to send the payment to AdSense. You can change the payment before that only.
So, you can expect your Google AdSense earning for any particular month, during the 3rd week of the following month. Although this timeline can vary depending on different timezone of different countries, the interval between the process remains the same.
For a quick realization of the payment made by Google AdSense, you should set your payment method through a direct bank transfer as it takes the least time (around 7 working days only). Whereas payment through other popular methods like cheques take almost 10 days, wire transfer takes around 15 days and the Western Union Quick Cash can take up to 60 days ! (Source: https://wpadvancedads.com/adsense-payment/)
Is there any payment threshold for Google AdSense?
Google AdSense has a policy of not paying any amount until your total AdSense earning reaches $100. That means if you earn less than $100 in any month, say you have earned $50 and then $90 in the second month, then you will be paid a total $140 at a time in the 3rd succeeding month.
This is the threshold for the US Dollar, which is the most predominant payment currency received by the majority of bloggers (in India too). The threshold varies with the currencies too. For example, in the case of Euro, the Google AdSense threshold id €70.
Finally…How to earn money with Google AdSense through Blogging?
Google AdSense pays on a per-click basis. Each click of your reader on the ads given by you gets counted for revenue calculation. What the user does after clicking the adds on the target website does not matter.
But reading this don’t get tempted and start clicking your own ads, as Google is very strict to penalize such activities.
Now how much you will earn from each click depends on the cost of AdWords fixed by any advertiser. AdWords is another service provided by Google where advertisers of different products, services etc. create ads and ask Google to display them on search engines or different websites under the AdSense network. You receive 68% of the cost fixed by advertisers on per-click and the rest is received by Google as commission.
Google AdSense is a popular source of income through blogging. But you have to invest a significant of time for that. If you are blogging solely focusing on Google AdSense earning and you are not really interested in that particular domain, then there is a risk that you may get frustrated very early.
You have to keep in mind that Google AdSense earning is something like interest earning from a bank fixed deposit, which is less but gives peace of mind. Whereas income from affiliate marketing or CPA is like a stock market investment, which is not fixed or sure but certainly higher than income from Google AdSense.
So, plan a blog on a niche close to your heart and on which you can go on creating high-quality content without feeling exhausted. As I always say that in blogging “content is the king”, so never compromise the quality of your content for anything. Nothing can help you if your content is not helpful to your readers.
Finally, last but not least keep in mind that the income earned from Google AdSense is taxable income and comes under the Income Tax rule of the particular country you reside in.
Here I have covered as much information as possible on Google AdSense payment. If you find it helpful, please share it with those who also might benefit from it. If you like it and wish to please share it on social networks too.