In a very simple way, it can be said that blog writing is sharing your knowledge in a very informal way. Blog writing is generally performed either by an individual or a group of individuals.
Blog writing is generally done in a very informal way. As the main purpose of a blog writing is sharing knowledge, so standard of language is not a point of concern here.
Blog writing is something like writing a diary
Have you ever written a diary to record your day to day activities? In our childhood days, we often advised by our elders to maintain a diary.
It helps a person in many ways like make him disciplined, improves himself correcting mistakes earlier made by him and in every way to be a better version of himself.
One can write a blog out of passion, to publish something he/she wants to share with the world. Or one can write a blog to start his own business.
Passive source of earning
Blog writing can be a very lucrative way to earn passive income and if implemented in a correct way with proper business strategy, then one can become a full-time blogger even earn a fortune.
Before we dive deep into our main topic of blog writing, lets first discuss some basic terms.
What is blog?
In this digital age, blog writing is like writing a diary of past days. Blog or “web-log” is more or less a digital diary.
A blog is like an online journal where one or more than one person can share their views on any particular topic. In a blog, generally different posts appear starting from the most recent one.
A blog can be of various types like a food blog, fashion blog, travel blog, etc. Any topic which is close to your heart or you have experience of it or you have some special skill or knowledge that can be shared with others can be chosen to write a blog.
What is vlog?
It is also a blog that is a weblog, but the difference is it contains video clips. So it gets its name from the video log.
Here the message the person shared with the world is through web television and most often contains embedded messages, supporting texts and other metadata.
The purpose of creating vlogs is the same as writing blogs. Generally, people do it for fun or generating revenues.
As with the time video contents are getting more popularity than text-based content, vlogs are also gaining huge popularity.
Celebrities are just creating videos of their daily activities and their followers are liking it crazily.
Vloggers may create their own websites or can simply post their content on youtube.
Blog writing in Hindi
If you are a blogger from India and your target audience is mainly Indians, then you can think of writing your blog in Hindi.
As Hindi is the most popular dominant medium of communication in India, people love to read in Hindi. This language is very close to their hearts and easy to understand for billions of Indians.
So, there is a chance that you will create a large follower base of your blog very quickly.
Although there is a serious problem associated with Hindi blogs. Which is, Google search engine and bots don’t understand Hindi. So, doing SEO for a Hindi blog is a tough call.
Blog writing and make money
A blog can be a very useful instrument for generating passive income. There are many avenues for earning from a blog. You can get a detailed idea about earning from a blog here.
Many people are there doing full-time blogging and living a boss free life on their own terms. To me, this is the best life one can dream of.
If you are also interested and wish to live such a life, then start a blog of your own today. You can take the help of online resources of blog writing courses. The internet is flooded with such courses and many of them are even available free of cost.
Blog writing course
There are so many resources are available online nowadays. You can easily gain a good amount of working knowledge about blog writing simply following some good youtube videos.
For example, here is a youtube video from the famous digital marketer Neil Patel. Watch this short video to jump-start your blog writing.
Besides, there are popular blog writing courses available in Udemy both free and paid.
Follow this blog by Ryan Robinson to know about some popular blog writing courses if you are really serious about it.
You may be familiar with the name Harsh Agarwal of Shout Me Loud. He is one of the most famous blogger from India. Shout Me Loud of Harsh Agarwal can be a good online source for beginners to start.
Blog writing jobs
Blog writing of content writing is a very lucrative job nowadays. You can do freelancing and offer your writing skills to create content for your client’s blog.
Generally, depending on your skill and experience you can earn $50 to $500 US Dollar and even more per 1000 words.
As you establish yourself as an experienced and skilled content creator, you get more clients and earning also gets increased.
Blog writing sites
A blogger can choose a variety of platforms to showcase his content writing talent.
There are lots of sites where you can start your blogging journey. Some of them are completely free whereas some are not, but they provide lots of customization power to you.
Free blog writing sites
If he is a beginner and in a tight budget, then he can choose the most popular platform Blogger of Google. It is a very good blogging platform and provides a sophisticated blog publishing service free of cost!
But here you have to use the subdomain of which is hosted by Google.
Besides Blogger, there are other numbers of free blogging platforms are available, like Medium, Tumblr, Wix, Ghost, etc.
All of them are good and free. If you are blogging just for your hobby then these platforms are the most suitable for you.
But if you are planning to start blogging with a business plan in mind and want to scale it in the future, then I would suggest you go for building your own website.
WordPress blog
If you have a business in your mind, then better start your own website and for that setting up a WordPress blog will be the most ideal.
WordPress is the most popular content management system till date, powering almost 26.4% of the total web.
It is very easy to use and start a website. You don’t have to know anything about coding.
The best part of is that it is a freemium website and one of the best hosting services for not only blog but any kind of website and eCommerce.
Blog writing topics
Blog writing topics can vary from person to person. It is solely your choice which topic you like to write about.
Any niche where you have a special interest, can provide your insight and help people to solve their problem can be your blog topic.
While selecting your blog writing topic you should also keep in mind its marketing potential if your goal of blogging is to set up a business. The topic should be such one that has considerable search volume and low competition.
It is very common that people easily get out of content ideas, get bore of writing blogs. This happens when anyone selects some topic that is not of there choice.
When you are starting your blog then you should select such a topic that is close to your heart and you should have a list of 100 content ideas always ready to continue your blog posting.
For example, you can start a blog about yourself and write about any experience, struggle you did to overcome any hurdle of your life or any good experience whatever else you want to share with the world.
Blog writing format
Following a standard blog, writing format is essential to engage your audience and keep them as long as possible on your post. Here are some tips which can be followed to write a well-formatted blog post.
- Start your blog with a proper title with H1 tag.
- Start your content immediately after the title
- Break your content using H1, H2, H3, H4 and other tags to display major headlines
- Use small paragraphs (consisting only 2 to 3 lines)
- Use multimedia contents to keep your audience engaged
- Infographics are a very attractive and effective way to present data and statistics. It makes your content more attractive as well as make numbers and figures easy to understand for your audience.
- If possible, make your own video or share relevant videos from youtube, Dailymotion or any other video hosting websites. As video content is gaining very fast popularity among the audience, it can significantly increase the time a visitor spends on your site.
- Follow a defined structure while writing a blog, it should have a header, footer, title, main content, sidebar (optional) and other necessary components at the proper place.
Here is an ideal blog structure is given for your reference.

I hope that this article helped you to have a good idea about writing a blog. Writing a blog opens a whole new world to you and helps to transform your life. It boosts your creativity, makes you more productive.
Whatever age group you may belong you can start blog writing. You just need to be creative to provide unique and useful content.